New England's Premier Brick, Stucco & Stone Installation Specialists

Transform Your Home or Building With A Durable, Maintenance-Free And Affordable Exterior!

We Are New England Brickface

With over 30 years of experience installing brickface, stoneface and stucco veneers throughout New England, the dedicated team at New England Brickface understands that quality materials, skilled craftsmanship and competitive pricing form the foundation of a great project. New England Brickface is a locally-owned business, with roots in the heart of the Boston area.

Who We Serve

Our jobs range from Southern New Hampshire, Southern Maine, Rhode Island and Eastern, Central and Western Massachusetts.

Ready To Upgrade Your Home or Building?

With over 35 years of construction success, New England Brickface remains dedicated to transforming the exterior of your property. Call now to get started.

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